List of the Elbe sandstone climbing areas and areas for beginners. Elbe Sandstone is our home. We are climbing here for over 20 years. We know almost all the rocks nearby. That´s why we are able to plan and organise for you the greatest day ever.

English park - Anglický parčík


The English park is located on the eastern edge of the Modrin massif about 1 km from the Sneznik. This area offers many easy routes, up to 13 m high, very solid and fast dry rock. English park is great for beginners. In our Intro course we will teach you how to belay, how to climb on sandstone and of course have a fun there. The area is suitable for families with children and groups.

Number of routes in the area: 150

Anglicky parcik




Ostrov is very nice area and village next to the Tisá area. Rocks are everywhere around you.You can find there also Camping - Pod Císařem, or the Hotel Ostrov. The area offers hard sandstone, which dries fast after rain. Ostrov is a popular holiday destination with many easy routes. Rocks and sectors are oriented in all directions, so we can always choose you correct sector. Join us and climb with us on a big sandstone towers. We will teach in our rock climbing course you how to climb on the tower, belay technics and how to have safe fun there. Ostrov offer also several caves, where we do Speleogy courses - The descent into the cave. You just can not miss this adrenaline experience .

Number of routes in the area: 3500

GPS: 50.8027658N, 14.0465492E

Ostrov climbing




Would you lite to find paceful and quiet place witch catch you fast? Join us and climb together in the Rájec area. Rájec is just 3 km close to Tisá. Quality of local soft sandstone is similar like in Tisa, so the rocks stay longer wet after the rain.

Number of routes in the area: 1400

GPS: 50.8074644N, 14.0180642E

Rájec climbing




Sneznik, the largest mesa in the Czech Republic, climbing there is on super solid sandstone rocks up to 30 meters. Massifs are oriented to the south and southwest, so after the rain dry very fast. This "magic mountain" is nowadays well known mainly for bouldering, so we coming there also with our The Bouldering course. There where made many new easy and good protected routes in last years. Climbing on this mountain is a unique experience with views never get tired you.

Number of routes in the area: 600

Number of boulders in the area: 1500

GPS: 50.7937131N, 14.1111583E

Decinsky Sneznik




Rock city Tisa is located above the village of Tisa. The area is divided into sectors: the Great Wall, Small walls, Bürschlické walls and Ridge walls. Local sandstone belongs in the Elbe sandstone in the softer ones, so the area after the rain dry longer. Rock city offers many routes on rock towers and massifs. Tisa is a popular destination for beginners and for climbers who are interested in learning how to trad climb on local sandstone. Tisa is also a popular destination for families, because the ground is flat, sandy with plenty of rock slides and tunnels that kids love.

Number of routes in the area: 2700

GPS: 50.7877142N, 14.0293133E



Elbe valley - Labské údolí


Elbe valley, called "Labák" is one of the best areas that you can find in Europe. The area offers nice shape and solid sandstone of up to 80 m high. We organise courses in the Elbe valley mostly for advanced climbers, who are interested to improve their climbing move and learn new skills. Like other areas Elbe sandstone is the Elbe valley our home, so we can choose you the best routes in this incredible area. 

Number of routes in the area: 5000

GPS: 50.8378081N, 14.2245994E

Elbe valley


Volcanic areas in Czech Central Mountains


We don´t have only sandstone in North Bohemia. Czech Central Mountains is volcanic mountains with many small climbing areas. Climbing is mostly on solid basalt rock combined with a staying in a beautiful hilly countryside. We organise in Czech Central Mountains mostly traditional climbing courses, where you learn how to trad climb, how to use the gear like cams and nuts, how to set up belay station in the wall etc. Our most popular places are Bořeň, Vrabinec, Budov, Kreutzberk etc.

Number of routes in the area: 1000

GPS: 50.6568114N, 14.1733586E

Czech Central Mountains


Fast contacts

Mgr. Ondra Beneš                                 Tel: +420 724846179


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